Some how shrouds and ratline are difficult to start with. So I "leave the knife in the pork" (Dutch expression) for a while. There are enough things to do on the ship. One of them are the sails.
@kirill4 mentioned this
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@dockattner Paul's Vasa. So I ordered Filmoplast R to give it a try.
First I measure the width of the cloths, I made a cutting help on a glass plate with tape and a small iron ruler to have something to hold the ruler against when I cut/roll the filmoplast R
The photos speak for themselves.

Then I put these cloths on a glass plate with the glue (shiny) side up and fixed the with a piece of painters tape. Sorry for the bad photo, next time I make a better one. But you can clearly see that the strips overlap a bit.
then I put a sheet of sailcloth on top (I use voile cotton)
and with a little Iron I started it to glue it together.
I did just one side to see what happens when the ironing is done. (this takes time because the glue needs time to melt to the cotton.
Frontside (where the Filmoplast R is on):
You can't see it on the picture but it is a little more shiny. Maybe you can see it in the next picture
The next thing I have to do is put the backside on and some details.
Is is not an easy job to do, but the first result looks good to me. When I finished I think about it, if I do the sails like this or I'm gonna sit behind the sewing machine. I also need a better light box. The led plate what is mean for diamond painting is a piece of junk. So my next project could be a light box.
I let you now when I got this sail ready.