With the application of the topsail it was convenient to be able to put the mast loose in the vice. And securing it to the mast hoops was easiest with a horizontal mast.
That's what I'm going to do with the main sail. For the time being, the mast is not yet installed.
It also means that I will make the main boom and the main gaff for the main sail, to fit all those three parts on the separate mast.
Started with the gaff. As inspiration:
View attachment 336422
Left: a sketch from The Saga by L.B. Jenson. The special hanging of the gaff can be seen there. In addition to the peak halliard, also along the mast the throat halliard. This consists of 2x2 blocks and the halliard is a 1 piece rope that is secured on 2 sides. At the claw a 1-disc and a 2-disc block. At the top 2 2-disc blocks. I'll show you in detail how this works later when I apply it.
Middle: a photo of SoS member Robin
@NovaStorm during his visit to the BN-II in Lunenburg. The claw with the so-called clapper in the fork. This provides guidance along the mast. The metal bracket is also clearly visible where the 2 blocks should be attached.
Right: a photo of SoS member Roger
@RogerD from his visit to the BN-II. The bracket and both blocks along the mast can be seen there. As well as how I want to put the mainsail furled on my model.
Both Robin and Roger: thanks again for your pictures, they are very useful for me!
Made the main gaff:
View attachment 336423
The spar was first turned to the correct diameter, in accordance with the measurements in Jenson and Langford. On the bracket a 5 mm 1-disc and 2-disc block, on the 3 'bridles' each a 5 mm 1-disc block.
In detail:
View attachment 336424
Left: both fingers of the claw fixed together with 3 brass rods through the spar, the partly hinged clapper and the bracket and both blocks.
Middle: 2 of the 3 'bridles' for the peak halliard. At the top a band with 2 ears with at the front a 3mm 1-disc block for the halliard of the topsail and at the bottom a 2.5mm 1-dics block for a flag line.
Right: I had first assumed that the throat halliard consisted of a 3-disc block on the mast and a 2-disc block on the gaff. But now after studying how this hoist actually works, I have replaced the 3-disc block on the mast with an 'balance' bracket with 2 5mm 2-disc blocks on it.
All in all, I spent a lot of time hanging over the drawings and descriptions before I could figure out exactly how everything worked. Not only for the gaff but also for the boom and how this operates.
Chapelle was also helpful with 12 pages of gaff-information. To much to show here. The bracket by the claw is called ‘Spectacle iron’.
Regards, Peter