Build Log "CAF" HMS Enterprise

Ok...Back at it, since my last post, have finished the Deck Stringers, received and added the stern pieces that Tom from CAF sent me(thanks), and added the mast deck beams. All was pretty straight forward. Now....on to the rest of the Deck beams! Again, other than lack of English directions this has been a quality kit and pleasure to build, with some head scratching on directions

Started building Deck Beams today, noticed an error in the instruction booklet. (Have sent to Tom at CAF for clarification) For those of you building this kit, Page 16 and 17 show the parts list/# for the deck Beams. Beam # 19 is missing in the parts list. The reason is on plank 12 starts beam 1 thru 3, and then a beam with no #, this is actually beam 4. Plank 11 starts with beam 4, but is actually beam 5. So each # beam is off by 1 thru beam 18, which is actually the missing beam 19.

Really and impressive hull when all frames are installed

One question:
would it not be better, that you remove the part of the notches before you glue the 3 beam elements together? - I think it is much easier before than afterwards
Ok, the Deck beams for the main deck have been built-notched-de chared, and laid in place for test fittings. I think I am going to build the deck from bow to stern, 1 beam section at a time so everything lines up well.IMG_1105.jpgIMG_1106.jpg
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Now Im stumped, and English directions might be handy, I sent the same question to Tom at Caf as well. Brian, hoping you can help as well! The stringers that run bow to stern between the deck beams. I see no corresponding # system from Deck plan or instruction book to coincide from parts to plan. I see a #2 in the first picture which I circled between Beam 2 and 3, that is the only # I see anywhere on these, the Third picture is Brian's model of the forward deck. My question is, is there a # system, or are we just matching parts to the plan based on length and # of notches?

Now Im stumped, and English directions might be handy, I sent the same question to Tom at Caf as well. Brian, hoping you can help as well! The stringers that run bow to stern between the deck beams. I see no corresponding # system from Deck plan or instruction book to coincide from parts to plan. I see a #2 in the first picture which I circled between Beam 2 and 3, that is the only # I see anywhere on these, the Third picture is Brian's model of the forward deck. My question is, is there a # system, or are we just matching parts to the plan based on length and # of notches?
For me, when I look at these photos you can find all four carlings at the same place and arrangement - but maybe I see this completely wrong...
Uwek you are correct, there is a numbering system in on the plans and parts list for which carlings go between which deck beams, I needed Tom(CAF) to explain it to me. Once he did it all came together, it just wasnt clear enough for me in the Instruction booklet. thanks, Paul
Ok folks....all the Deck Beams except the stern, are in, with carlings. Next will be the knees. Somemore sanding still needs to be done so deck beams are nice and smooth for laying the deck. Once Tom at Caf explained the numbering system all went very smoothly. Parts are diecut very well and fit together nicely. I did have to make all the 1mm notches for the carlings, in the beams with my exacto knife as I do not have a milling machine, so some inaccuracy there. However very pleased with over all results, again, a GREAT kit from CAF!

Lou, I asked Tom how to know which carlings went between which deck beams, specifically Beams 7-8-9, as an example. He sent the below 2 pictures, the image on the right is of the deck plan, but the numbering system shown in the picture on the carlings is 7-8-9-10, this is NOT on the DECK Plan drawings in the kit, just the beams themselves are numbered. The picture on the right is from the instruction manual, the green bordered carlings are the ones for 6-9. So, when working from Bow to stern, Carlings 7 go between beams 7 and 8, Carlings 8 go between 8 and 9....etc...I believe this will hold true for the numbering system on the knees as well. I just couldnt figure it out till Tom showed me the correlation. If you have any other questions, please ask. Thx, Paul

Folks, not too much today, finished gluing up the knees for the main deck and laid on plan to check fitting, also glued up the 6 pieces for the rudder. Going to use Brians Graphite/Glue when gluing the 3 pieces of the rudder together.
