I've had a few hours each day, so I read up on my manuals double check my saved video logs to get an idea of what I'm facing next.
I have finally finished all the cannons on the upper deck. Now I only rigged the 10 that will show through the quarter deck and even then, I didn't add the tackles directly behind each cannon. As I have been reading (and watching) ahead, it is sadly apparent that very little will be seen by admirers. Especially if the various life boats are stacked on the open quarter deck!
That being said, it is VERY GOOD practice for work that will be visible on the next deck.
I have to say, some of the builders who actually rigged all 30 cannons, that is some dedication!
The next step was adding the screen to the Admiral's quarters. Part #389. You'll have to do some real eyeball gymnastics to see this, but hey, I added so many photo etch enhancements to my Titanic model that will NEVER be seen!!!! So why stop now?

I had to remove about 1-2mm off each side so that it fits and I had to straighten out the base to fit the deck. I placed the camber beam just behind the screen to get the right height and then sanded down the top so that it will fit.
Once done, I added a strip of wood for the back of the screen to hold it in place. That and the camber beam supports should hold it very tight.

After I had to square off support columns. I have seen others create jigs to help with this. I ended up shaving one side and then slowly working the other 4 sides. The hard part was that I was able to use an exacto knife to shave away, but it was very scary trying to even it out towards by fingers.
I definitely need to create something for the rest of them!
In addition, the manual wants me to create another set of stairs....if you go back, you can see what a terrible job I did on the first three. Well....terrible is just too kind! You can see the 'fun house' stairs in some of these pics!
Well I tried to go slower. I sanded the treads a bit to help fit into the side rails. I was able to get 4 or 5 treads in but things started going south so I clamped it off and let it dry. A bit later I added the remaining treads. I can see now after the fact that one of the things I'll need to do is make sure the treads are the same 'depth' in the side rails. But this one is much straighter.....sort of.

I had a bit of confusion when installing the pillars in front of the screen. I thought they were flush against the screen, but the plans show they are out a bit...which I did.
Yeah, there's one of those crazy stairs!!!!

I also had to build the elm tree pump and the steam trunk assembly.
For the elm tree pump, I added a few pieces of walnut to the photo etch handle to make it look like real wood. As if anyone will see it!!!
My end result is way out of scale, but I like it!

Not sure what the steam trunk is...but I just taped it together and added white glue to the inside. I'll sand it when I go to put it wherever it goes!

Finally, I added to the stanchions for the hatch coamings. I blackened them and then drilled out the holes a but to make sure the life lines would fit.
I added too much CA glue to keep the stanchions in place...going to have to watch that up topside!!!
I was a bit nervous putting the final rigging for the life lines together, but they actually went very well! I threaded 2 stanchions to each line and tied a knot in end in case I couldn't finish the work. Drilled holes for the stanchions and then tied them off and added a bit of CA glue.
They look very nice!

This one has to wait for a set of columns that will act as stanchions.
Pretty exciting stuff!!!