H.M.S. Victory by Caldercraft - Build Log

I began two separate tasks, the installation of the lower deck cannons and the beginning of the long process of ratlining!

There are two different length cannons for the lower decks, the longer for the bottom row and shorter ones above.
I used a 1.9mm drill bit to drill the holes. I was hoping I could create a block of wood to insert in the cannon voids. But my work in adding the liners didn't quite make them all consistent. I was able to create a long 12x12mm block and after a few tries was able to drill a hole through the center that actually came out on the other end in the center! I should have just clamped it and used my drill press, but I did it free hand.

I then drilled the holes as close to the center as I could. I placed all the cannons in and they appear to be pretty good.

I then blackened all of the cannons with Birchwood Blackening. I added about 12 cannons in and let them soak for about 3-5 minutes. I would then take them out and let them dry on a paper towel for a bit and then give them a second dunking. After that, I put them on toothpicks to dry. They may need a bit of touchup with my black iron paint.

I was able to glue them in place with CA glue and once done with the yards, I'll circle back and begin the lids.
I may do them before, it will depend on what kind of tangle the rigging will create!
My next or concurrent task was to begin the ratlines.

I used plan sheet 12 and traced the shrouds and ratlines on paper. I had to darken some of the lines on the plan to see them through the paper. I did this for the lower, futtock and upper shrouds. I believe that all I will have to do is reverse them and redraw the lines for the other side....we shall see!

I pinned the template to the foremast lower shroud and began tying the ratlines. There was a learning curve to tying the clove hitches, but once I got it, they go pretty quickly. The directions suggest leaving the end tails until after you use watered down white glue to secure the ratlines, I didn't do that, cutting them all of so they wouldn't get in the way. I'll leave the white glue till I'm down with a whole mast and make sure the lines are pretty even.

I did have some trouble with the lowest ratlines as I rigged the deadeyes a bit too high and the cleats and tied off shrouds interfere with those lower lines. I added them the best I could. Again, I'll rely on the taller sailors to climb the rigging!

