Hi Grant. A good decision to go for a POF model. It is so satisfying to gain extra insight into the construction of those ships.
With the scratch skills you demonstrate in your restoration project, you will surely bring it to a successful model. Whichever one you choose, a admiralty style build is always nice, I will definitely follow it.
Regards, Peter
Good morning Peter. I’m not so sure about it being a good decision

however I am keen to give it a go. There is no doubt it is the next step up in model ship building. Thank you for your support I really do appreciate it.
Hi Grant
There is one drawing of the Blandford but she was built to the 1719 Establishment so scantlings are readily available to supplement the kit. There is also the AOTS book on Blandford by Peter Goodwin and he has based a lot on the 1719 Establishment which he shows to a large extent in the early part of the book. With so little contemporary information available it would be interesting to know on what Drydock based the kit design.
There is a full set of high resolution drawings of the Enterprize class ships as well as scantlings and an original contract available. One of the drawings for the class, signed by Williams, includes all the mast and spar dimensions if you change your mind and want to rig her. One interesting point about Enterprize, she was built as part of Britain's response to the Falklands Crisis of 1770 so the Falkland crisis with Argentina in 1982 was nothing new.
I would lean toward Enterprize as there is so much more contemporary information available to cross check with the kit materials. Care does need to be taken to be sure the kit is designed for her before she became a receiving ship circa 1790 (unless that is what you prefer.) There is one kit maker that used the wrong profile drawings and designed the kit as she was when converted to a receiving ship rather than a combat ship.
Good morning Allan. Thanks for this. I always enjoy your posts and appreciate your knowledge of these ships. This will be my first build where historical accuracy is going to be first on my agenda with research beginning now while I continue with my Bounty rebuild.
Of course the choice is yours...but following your heart rather than your head seems best. This is a multi-year project and you sure better like what you are building or it will seem like work! I once owned Ken's Blandford kit (literally) - but I followed my heart to the Kingfisher

Either way you will have my attention! This is going to be a great, great build!
Good morning Paul. Best advice ever! After reading this my decision is made. Are you sure you are a DDSc and not a D.Psch…

Enterprise it is

Hi Grant
I vote for Enterprise. Doesn't Blandford remind you a little prettier Bounty? They will be quite similar. The thing with following the brain after you go that way, you still want to follow the heart, but must justify yourself it was a good choice and don't dare to look in THAT direction

You're the captain the choice is yours
I reiterate my comment to Paul above . Best advice ever! Thanks for this and my decision is made- Enterprise it is.
I will support whatever decision you make! Personally, if even I may suggest, why not build something small first? just to get enough taste of a POF build. The POF is not something you can 'cheat' on, it is all the visibility and perfect fit. a bad framing will make the model awkward, and may you think of abandoning the build (I know what I am talking about

). Why not build similar to this? It should be a relatively fast build where you acquire the necessary skills to assemble the frames. We already have some nice build logs...
View attachment 485181
I am in love with this small POF boat. Isn't she gorgeous? No guns... and simple enough rigging...Anyway, I thought to give you my thoughts, but you are
Captain Grant!
P.S. I Hope I didn't ruin your plans.
Good morning Jim. There is no doubt this is sound advice and I did consider starting with something like this. Unfortunately I am like the teenage son who “thinks he knows better”

. If it all goes “pear shaped” we can blame the good Dr (
@dockattner) influences for subtlety making me follow my heart and Doing the Enterprise……Eish I hope I know what I’m doing….
I would buy them both.
But only if you could find them on Ali for 10 euro...
Go for it!! Christmas is coming!! Yay!!

. Got to love Dutch humour. Stephan after converting the Enterprise to Rands, paying 50% import duties and using DHL to freight 20kgs to Cape Town (as you know I can’t use SA postal as it may never arrive or if it does in a 1000 pieces or in 2026

) I’m going to have to buy the Admiral a new car to compensate

Excellent initiative Grant
Looking forward to your decision and to follow your build
Thank you Gilbert. Yep Paul and
@WojtasS have convinced me to go with the Enterprise. Truth be told I didn’t need much convincing. Your contribution to my ship building hobby is appreciated
Hi Grant. I am in the same boat (pun intended) and am pondering The Oneida from The Lumberyard. It looks like a good starter PoF, but I need to know more about it - especially the internal details. Cheers.
Good morning Graham. Ahh we can start our POF journey together. I feel like I’m graduating from junior school into high school with this….
If I wanted to start something now, my choice would be Alert 1777.
The product is shipped from China!! Please allow 14 -21 days minimum to fulfill the order, the total price includes shipping cost! This kit has very limited supply HMS Alert was a 10-gun cutter launched at Dover in 1777 and was converted to a sloop in the same year. On 19 September 1777, during...
But to do it with rigging. But your options are also good. It's good that now there is something to choose from. Before, when I started, there were terrible sets or too expensive
Good morning Sergey. Thanks for this. I did look at the Alert and there are some wonderful builds here on SOS. The other option was the Granado as
@Uwek inspirational build has my attention. For reasons unknown I kept gravitating back to the Blandford and Enterprise. I also don’t want a fully rigged ship this time around. After
@dockattner and
@WojtasS posts above I am going to attempt to build the Enterprise.
Thanks everyone for your posts. I am super excited to order my Enterprise today. I am going to finish my Bounty rebuild first so it will be a while before my first POF adventure starts
Cheers Grant