Do you think you could manage the breech lines? They would be a nice addition but perhaps not possible?
l need to get some larger eye bolts, as l don't have any spares (80 needed) and rings. The kit only supplies tiny eye bolts much too small for the breeching ropes (1mm rope at this scale). lt's stropping the ropes to the eye bolts that will be the problem, especially as now the guns are fitted to the ship now. Thanks Paul for your thoughts.Do you think you could manage the breech lines? They would be a nice addition but perhaps not possible?
Yes, it will be very difficult to add rigging with the guns in place. It's amazing what you have already accomplished post-stroke. I guess this means you're nearing the finish line?l need to get some larger eye bolts, as l don't have any spares (80 needed) and rings. The kit only supplies tiny eye bolts much too small for the breeching ropes (1mm rope at this scale). lt's stropping the ropes to the eye bolts that will be the problem, especially as now the guns are fitted to the ship now. Thanks Paul for your thoughts.
Yes, almost finished. lt's been a year's work and 5 or 6 weeks to go. Then l start my next buildYes, it will be very difficult to add rigging with the guns in place. It's amazing what you have already accomplished post-stroke. I guess this means you're nearing the finish line?
with your skills, I can assure you can\will make one any size you need. It will be better than aftermarket ones and it is fun!l need to get some larger eye bolts, as l don't have any spares (80 needed) and rings. The kit only supplies tiny eye bolts much too small for the breeching ropes (1mm rope at this scale). lt's stropping the ropes to the eye bolts that will be the problem, especially as now the guns are fitted to the ship now. Thanks Paul for your thoughts.
Thanks a lot for that info JJ. lt is indeed very useful and very much appreciatedHi Keef,
Your guns look great, as does the rest of your ship. I read Paul's suggestion to add breaching ropes, coincidentally I have been researching rope and ring sizes for six pound guns and from what I have gathered the breaching rope should be four inches in circumference, although Goodwin's book suggests 4.5". Four inch cir. translates to approx.. 0.7mm dia. at 1/48 scale. As for rings, most comments just say large. (the rings on Trincomalee are imbedded in the bulwarks and mostly about six inches inside dia., but she is a hundred years or so younger and her guns much bigger). Goodwin quoting authorised dimensions for 20 gun ships of the 1719 establishment says they should be '4"in the clear', I imagen that means internal dia. if so that translates into a 3mm o/d ring made from 0.5 mm brass wire.
Having said all that I like your Navy Board sort of look without the ropes.
Hope this is of help, all the best jj..
Thanks a lot BillHi Keef,
Your Blandford is looking great!