HMS Druid P.O.F. - Unicorn Models by Donnie [COMPLETED BUILD]

Dear friends,
I am very humbled by all your comments. I assure of all you that I as well, look to many others for inspiration, techniques, and methods. For those that have this kit in the cue to build, there are pros and cons to this kit (and I guess that applies to just about all of them).

I really do not want to emphasize good and bad as there is a wide range of talent that can either handle or not handle this kit. What I might think is a problem is not a problem to someone else. I will say that the kit is more of a "put together" type in the fact that 98% of the model is all CNC.
you are showing us here very good work Thumbsup
- and you have to keep in mind, that the Druid was one of the earlier POF ship model kits developed in China
based on this you are making good quality kit bashing
Dear friends,
I am very humbled by all your comments. I assure of all you that I as well, look to many others for inspiration, techniques, and methods. For those that have this kit in the cue to build, there are pros and cons to this kit (and I guess that applies to just about all of them).

I really do not want to emphasize good and bad as there is a wide range of talent that can either handle or not handle this kit. What I might think is a problem is not a problem to someone else. I will say that the kit is more of a "put together" type in the fact that 98% of the model is all CNC.

you bring out a good point with all kits they are not like a jigsaw puzzle where all the pieces just snap together. Kits provide the material to build a model and that is about it, kit makers assume you as the builder have some working knowledge of ship construction and some basic skills.

you are also right you can not judge a kit by the kit alone, one builder may have no problem building the model and another builder has problem after problem. One builder may not even need instructions and can procees as where someone else needs step by step instructions.
What you have done with the Druid kit shows skill and knowledge of the subject and the end result is a fine looking model.
Thank you Dave, that means a lot and to the rest of you with the 'Likes'.Onward to the Ships Boat. Not sure why, but the wooden CNC parts on this thing are very fragile. I think it might have to do with the orientation of the grain - not sure. But you do have to be careful as some of the frames have a tendency to snap. The upper beams will be cut out - I am leaving those in for now until I get some of the hull planking done. Then those will be removed. My apologies for the messy area. I do not have by shot box anymore as I ran out of room for it. In the near future, I will have to build another one for the final photos.






Yes, this is the Cherry Version at $668 - They also have the Pear Version at $778.
The website is go to "product > 35-40 inch >" and it will be listed there.
These prices do not include shipping. After my purchase, it only took about a week and a few days to get it shipped to my house.

It is my understanding that this kit was one of the first designs from "Unicorn" model and there are many challenges to it. About 98% of the kit is all Laser cut.

However, if you follow my log, you might see some of the problems I encountered and worked out. I decided to build this model as a "Navy Board" style (no Rigging and No Mast / Yards) and only have the mast stumps showing.
Thank you again for all the comments and likes - much appreciated!

The latest - I have a few small things to do on the Ships Boat - some Oars and things of such. I turned my attention for a while on the Anchors. The kit calls for brass straps and nails to be used. But I prefer rope.


That ship's boat looks amazing Donnie! I really like the idea that it is just the skeleton!
Thank you again for all the comments and likes - much appreciated!

The latest - I have a few small things to do on the Ships Boat - some Oars and things of such. I turned my attention for a while on the Anchors. The kit calls for brass straps and nails to be used. But I prefer rope.

Donnie , I think you need to turn 90 degrees your anchor wood section. Like this one.

