Made some 3mm strips, with the strips being so thin I use a 1/8 basswood board as support, using double sided tape.
They come out nearly perfect, with little clean up. Also keeps them safe on the workbench.
Putting together the read platform not easy.

Lot of trial and error, shaping and reshaping of pieces. I missed a lot of photos here, but essentially I built downward. Put together all the cabin walls glued them to the platforms and sanded them until they fit into place.
There are probably other ways but I like how it turned out for the most part.
The well isn't glued in place yet, but slowly moving forward. Need to get the mast base in place.
Having an issue with the front platform walls. I have several extra pieces that I don't see where they would fit. But I'm also missing a wall. I have S-8 in place, but there's no second S-8 or same length wall remaining.
So I can either scratch it or leave it without a second wall. We'll see.