Fortunately my own expectations are remarkably low, and there is always the chance that on a good day with no wind or rain, I might even even achieve them
Ooooo Grant, now you've forced me to do some research!
HMS Fly was launched in 1776 and knocked about the West Indies and North Sea in her early days, during which time she captured a French privateer and its accompanying brig and sloop as prizes. During the Napoleonic Wars she was involved primarily in convoy escort duties as far as I can tell, although she was involved in the seizure of Dutch ships in the Plymouth Sound and captured several more French privateers off Portland in Dorset and Cherbourg in Normandy towards the end of the 18th century. It was during a convoy escort from Portsmouth a couple of years later, in 1802, that her luck ran out and she was lost with all hands off the coast of Newfoundland. There is no record of
HMS Fly sailing in the illustrious company of
HMS Victory that I can see, the Battle of Trafalgar having taken place in 1805, a few years after the
Fly had foundered
And that's it, history lesson over. I'll give you a few days to digest this and then you can sit the exam
- Mark