HMS GRANADO - full hull - POF kit by CAF in 1:48 - by Uwe

Anchors and their location

2 * bower anchor with 20 cwt = 1,02 tons - secured all times to the cable - suspended from its cathead and lashed to the side
1 * bower / sheet anchor with 18 cwt = 0,90 tons - free of its cable - lashed abaft starboard bower
1 * stream anchor with 7 1/2 cwt = 0,38 tons - free of its cable - stored under deck
1 * ketch anchor with 3 1/2 cwt = 0,18 tons - free of its cable - lashed to spare bower / sheet anchor
It seems to me it may be impossible to get the Stream anchor below deck. While no dimensions or drawings are given for the Stream anchor, we might assume it is of the same proportions as the Ketch anchor, which is 1.42m x 2.18m x 2.48m. An anchor weighing 7.5 tons will be 1.29 times the size in all dimensions of one weighing 3.5 tons, if sizes and materials are in proportion. Thus the Stream anchor would be about 1.83m x 2.83m x 3.21m. The largest hatch in the deck scales about 2.1m diagonally (2.29m on the model). Putting an anchor this size with its wooden stock attached would be impossible. And difficult if taken apart.

Possibly the Stream anchor would be kept aboard the tender vessel? As might some of its required anchor rope?
I wonder if the kit is in error when it comes to the After Bulkhead for the Magazine. The kit shows this bulkhead going the whole way across the beam, as you have done here:
which creates a small room to the starboard of the Filling Room. However, Goodwin's plan does not show the portion of the wall I've marked in blue above:
and also gives a name to the area outlined in green above and shaded here as #9:
the "Bread Room Annex". This would seem to indicate that the breadroom was more or less an 'L' shape, and that the rear bulkhead of the magazine and filling room did not extend past the port wall of the filling room (drawn in red above).

I already have this bulkhead in place as well, but wonder if it really should be there.

Also, I don't see the small doors included with the kit outlined in purple above on any of Goodwin's drawings. While again, I have included them, I'm not sure what sense it would make to have a door from the Purser's cabin to the Bread Room Annex. Then again, it might make more sense than the floor hatch from the Captain's Day Cabin being the only access to the Breadroom! "Pardon me, Cap, but I've got a mess of hardtack to fetch from the Breadroom to the, uh, mess. Mind movin' yore desk a bit more?"