Good evening. Needed a break from rigging so decided to work on my dreaded stern.
The rudder chain: deviated completely from Mantua and followed Gil Middleton who used Longridge as a reference.
The rudder chain is used as an emergency system and to secure the rudder when unshipped. I made the hooks and rings from 0.6mm wire.
I lashed a hook to the messenger rope which will be secured to the underside of the aft channel.
I painted the Mantua name plate and stuck it on with prestick so long.
Cheers Grant
The rudder chain: deviated completely from Mantua and followed Gil Middleton who used Longridge as a reference.
The rudder chain is used as an emergency system and to secure the rudder when unshipped. I made the hooks and rings from 0.6mm wire.
I lashed a hook to the messenger rope which will be secured to the underside of the aft channel.
I painted the Mantua name plate and stuck it on with prestick so long.
Cheers Grant