Just wonderful work Johann. Each posting is a treat!
of a real one !!!!!....the birth of a museum model !
Hello Archjofo. I don't trust your scale more and more. I would believe 1:36 or 1:24..@Steef66
Thank you for your nice comments
Continuation: Equipment of the yards - Quarter blocks of the lower yards - Poulies d'ecoute et de cargue-point
As already announced, here are the smaller quarter blocks for the fore yard.
View attachment 365772
In addition to the fully assembled quarter blocks, you can also see some eyebolts and thimbles for the jackstays here on this picture.
View attachment 365773
Wow, never seen this kind of details by serving ropes! Outstanding, Johann.Continuation: Equipment of the lower yards - Quarter blocks / Slings - Poulies d'ecoute et de cargue-point / suspentes
In the meantime, the quarter blocks of the main yard have been fastened at the appropriate positions by means of rose lashing. I continued with the slings. These strong ropes with ø 43 mm (0,9 mm in 1:48 ) are completely served. There are two of these slings per yard, each with a spliced eye at the end.
In preparation for serving these ropes, they were wormed in advance As described some time ago, the pre-wormed model ropes simply look more realistic.
View attachment 367199
Here is a picture of the current condition of the rigging elements on the main yard:
View attachment 367198
Next I will make the truss pendants and jackstays and mount them to the yard.
The following picture from the Atlas du Génie maritime shows, among other things, the truss pendants as it was most certainly used on the La Créole, which is also the case on the original model. Accordingly, I have provided the necessary sheaves when making the longitudinal salings. The slings shown in this picture do not correspond to those of the La Créole.
View attachment 367200
Source: Extract from Atlas du Génie maritime, annexe No. 1, Pl. 23
To be continued ...