Hello Reg, are you asking if we will maintain the list of users willing to purchase this kit?Will you be acting as an intermediary in selling this model as you have with other builds offered here on the forum? Thanks for your involvement if that is the case. It gives added confidence for myself and others I am sure.
Hi Reg ,the kit will be sold like the Belle Poule on Sos on a separate page like thisHi Jimsky. No, I was asking Zoly if the kit will be available for purchase through his intermediary like La Belle Poule was for example. I just wanted clarification on who I will actually transact with, Model Dockyard or someone here. I am sure that there are others here that will be purchasing this model and are anxious to find out how and from whom they will purchase this kit. If S.O.S. benefits in some way from representing these model developers then I am all for it.
Have a great day,
I think he mentioned earlier that there is another prototype has been built,but they are the same kit,maybe different wood?Hi, this doesn't seem to be the same model you were showing earlier??? I was interested but something doesn't seem right now...or maybe I'm missing something?
In Europe a lot of scratch modeler are using a wood called Elsbeere, which is looking like steamed pear wood.Applied finish of some sort? Bit too dark for my taste, but great overall appearance.