Hello everyone,
@dockattner @Rpope @Jimsky @mtbediz1 @pianoforte @Ptèr @Steef66 @Uwek @Mirek
Thank you for your comments and the appreciation and everyone who left a like as well. I'm a bit overwhelmed by so much positive feedback.
Hello Paul, as promised, my way of making the knight heads by hand:
I mark the square once completely all around.
With a small needle file (round) I file a groove on all four sides.
The depth is a matter of feeling
In the next step, I bevel the edges at the top a bit with the disc sander. Oh not entirely by hand, sorry.
Now I file the incline with a half-round needle file, all on all sides. Finally, I break up the resulting edges and finish with steel wool. Please don't ask me about the grit, I threw away the banderole.
Here are the file and the steel wool. The file are from horse cut 1
I hope I could help and thanks again.
@dockattner @Rpope @Jimsky @mtbediz1 @pianoforte @Ptèr @Steef66 @Uwek @Mirek
Thank you for your comments and the appreciation and everyone who left a like as well. I'm a bit overwhelmed by so much positive feedback.
Hello Paul, as promised, my way of making the knight heads by hand:
I mark the square once completely all around.
With a small needle file (round) I file a groove on all four sides.
The depth is a matter of feeling
In the next step, I bevel the edges at the top a bit with the disc sander. Oh not entirely by hand, sorry.
Now I file the incline with a half-round needle file, all on all sides. Finally, I break up the resulting edges and finish with steel wool. Please don't ask me about the grit, I threw away the banderole.
Here are the file and the steel wool. The file are from horse cut 1
I hope I could help and thanks again.