Cześć Ondrej, byłem na mistrzostwach Republiki Czeskiej i widziałem na żywo Twój model. Złoto zupełnie zasłużone, model robi niesamowite wrażenie, że dopiero powstanie. Jesteś bardzo silny. Gretingi robią wrażenie, cały model jest genialny. Szkoda tylko, że nie mogłeś przyjeżdżać do Karlowych Warunek, atesty mistrzowskie w mistrzostwach do wolnych dni, i których nie poznajesz. Pozdrawiam i gratuluję. 
Hi Ondrej, I was at the Czech Republic Championship and saw your model live. Well deserved gold, the model makes an amazing impression that it is yet to be built. You are very strong. The gretings are impressive, the whole model is brilliant. It is a pity that you could not come to Karlove Condition, championship certificates in the championship until your days off, and which you do not recognize. Regards and congratulations.

Hi Ondrej, I was at the Czech Republic Championship and saw your model live. Well deserved gold, the model makes an amazing impression that it is yet to be built. You are very strong. The gretings are impressive, the whole model is brilliant. It is a pity that you could not come to Karlove Condition, championship certificates in the championship until your days off, and which you do not recognize. Regards and congratulations.

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