Carrying on with the larger jobs for now.I first assembled one of the lower Wale out of six sections of boxwood scarped together.These are assemble off the model as I find it gives a smoother run.
After much experimentation with a temporary batten to determine the run, in particular the sheer, the wale was bonded in place.Then I placed 0.6mm box veneer above this to give me a height of 10mm, equal to the width of planking between the lower Wales. This was then planked in the blue veneer.Serious spilling was required on everything in the vicinity of the bow due to the extreme inward slope running down.
I have also started planking the transom above the decorative rail, still mountains of work to do in this area before the stern post goes on.
Everything is still very much in the rough.
Kind Regards

After much experimentation with a temporary batten to determine the run, in particular the sheer, the wale was bonded in place.Then I placed 0.6mm box veneer above this to give me a height of 10mm, equal to the width of planking between the lower Wales. This was then planked in the blue veneer.Serious spilling was required on everything in the vicinity of the bow due to the extreme inward slope running down.
I have also started planking the transom above the decorative rail, still mountains of work to do in this area before the stern post goes on.
Everything is still very much in the rough.
Kind Regards