Soleil Royal- Re-engineering Artesania Latina's New Kit by NMBROOK

Thankyou Tobias

Work continues SLOWLY filling the gaps with planks.I managed 4 runs on the Portside in the few hours I had available yesterday.Note constant reference checks as to plank width.There are six runs left to complete this side. Currently waiting for a grocery delivery, as soon as that has been, I will see how far I can get to closing this side up.

Kind Regards


Excuse me Nigel , is that a distortion of the photo?

View attachment 387436
Hi Frank

Yes I am looking downwards so the plank runs have a pronounced reverse dip at the lower bow when viewed at that angle;) That section is actually horizontal when viewed square

Kind Regards

Hi Nigel very sharp work. Do you plan any treenailing?
Thanks Maarten

No treenailing on this build, toying with raised bolts on the wales but jury is still out

I am actually considering painting the white as I want a super sharp look and planking does not meet my expectations

Kind Regards

Yes Paul you did read it correctly uneven joints and too yellow in places due to the ca. The eye will be drawn to the bottom of the model not all the work I am putting into the topsides

Kind Regards

I understand what you are saying, but there is a craftsmanship to what you have accomplished with the veneers that is rare and admirable. Plus, does what you have identified as a joinery issue really go away with painting? How about just a white 'wash' to make the lower hull more uniform in color thus preserving the visual integrity of this magnificent planking?

No need to respond - this is like the guy who works in Shakespeare's garden telling him how to craft a sentence...