Soleil Royal- Re-engineering Artesania Latina's New Kit by NMBROOK

but there is a craftsmanship to what you have accomplished with the veneers that is rare and admirable
Good morning Nigel- I concur here. Nonetheless you are the artist with your canvas and what ever you decide will be brilliant. I hope one day I can get my veneer close to what you achieved here. Cheers Grant
Thankyou Guys for the comments, I thought my remark may cause a bit of debate, which is good:) I am not going to run straight to the store for a tin of household gloss at the weekend but merely thinking out loudROTF I have all sorts of ideas as to how to proceed, many with a plan "b" if I do not like the result.

Much experimentation on scrap required once I have completed the planking before proceeding. Oils Acrylic Pastels you name it will included.I have a picture in my head of a model built from Heller's kit that had weathered antifouling and it looked amazing.Two issues, the picture was in a library book I borrowed as a kid and secondly, the picture was in black and white:rolleyes: I have yet to see the same convincing effect on a finished model since. It is a bit like the hull plates on Dimitry Shevelev's 74, it just looks sooo right.

Kind Regards

I hear you, Nigel, although I definitely am more of the au-naturale camp. I think what you have achieved is remarkable.

On the other hand, weather effects can be interesting. Our friend, Duarte is making a capital job of his Heller SR:


Whatever you decide, it will work out beyond any of our conceptions.
Thanks Marc

Ok then, been hard at it this weekend, planking done, keel veneered:) Woke up to a bright warm almost wind free day after four weeks of rain.My plan is to make up a white filter using Vallejo Premium air paint and reducer, then hit the planking below waterline with a mist coat of this after first masking everything else. This should allow everything to show through, just balance the colour contrast.
Here are some pics before

Kind Regards


I love it !!!!
It is a pleasure to see such accurate work :cool:
Especially the contact / joint of your planks towards the keel and bow - better not existing joint.......
After masking I dusted the hull with several light coats taking care not to kill the plank lines and maintain some patchiness.The paint was thinned 1:1 with Vallejo's reducer.I used this paint as the pigment is ground super fine and enables you to thin down to something like "tinted water". After drying, a couple of light coats of Tamiya flat clear was sprayed on with a rattle can. Pleased with the results, the planking is visible and the timber looks lightly weathered but at the same time appears much tidier. I do not want the model to look like a panzer from 1944ROTF

Kind Regards


Thanks Tobias, I wanted to click like AND a laughter emoji to your post.With NO trial piece, I just went for it, reasonably confident the science of what I was doing would workROTF The secret was VERY thin paint and a light finger pulling back the trigger of my double action airbrush.

Kind Regards

Great, just in time to see 130.000 nails being hammered into the hull!
Terrific result Nigel!
Thanks to everyone for the positive comments, likes and loves.Really got my mojo going with this build now after having a break working on Akagi, the hull planking was laborious and I needed an intermission part way.

Anyway, next weekend will see further work on the stern counter, heading towards fabricating, finishing then installation of the rudder.Basically, I am aiming to get everything done that is easier to do before the hull goes the right way up and it will stay that way permanently.

Kind Regards

Thanks Kurt

Up early this morning, so thought I would get a head start on the stern counter.

Pictures show the model as is with the counter contoured to reduce the thickness to suit the balcony casting. I planked this area with the blue veneer. One picture shows the Berain artwork and the supplied castings. My plan is to represent the frame design in boxwood and recast the small scrolls in resin which will be painted gold. The snake castings are more than likely going to be remade in modelling clay, a first for meo_O

Kind Regards

