As many lines as possible on the mast, the boom and the gaff:
View attachment 356692
Threaded with the throast halliard and peak halliard.
Also attached the Jumbo Jibstay at the front and the Springstay at the rear.
Put the mast on the deck and first started laying the many lines to the side. Then glued the mast with some glue in the passage on the deck:
View attachment 356693
The mast in the longitudinal direction with both stays aligned and temporarily secured.
At first glance, the foresail looks neat (INHO

), but still needs to be aligned and secured.
The next step is to fix the mast with the 8 shrouds.
Jumbo Jibstay is placed around the foremast with the Jumbo Jibstay Bridle:
View attachment 356694
It is a piece of served line with an eye splice at both ends. The stay itself is connected to the bridle with its eye splice via a ring.
When further rigging the individual lines I will come up with more explanations and (detailed) photos.
Regards, Peter