First a complete picture before I show the details.
The ratlines are installed and the reefed fore sail is set:
View attachment 357620
I am satisfied with the appearance of the not entirely short cut end of the swept back line, which I have attached to the line itself with a tip of thinned wood line:
View attachment 357621
In this 1:72 scale it looks quite similar to the eye splices at both ends of the ratlines that are attached to the shrouds.
I have to put the shrouds back in position a bit to level out the ratlines. When securing the halliards of the sail with the tweezers, everything was pretty in the way.
The boom is lifted out of the Boom Crutch at the end with the boom topping lift. Tensioned at the bottom with the boom sheet:
View attachment 357622
The fetching part of the sheet runs through an eye on the block to the belaying pin on the table at the foot of the mast.
The gaff was raised with the throat halliard and the peak halliard:
View attachment 357623
They are both reeved in the same way as the main gaff. On one side the hauling part, which is secured via a block on the deck, is secured to the mast foot:
View attachment 357624
B is the fetching part of the peak halliard. With his tackle on the port side, just seen behind the motorhousing, with a hook block secured in a eye by the shrouds.
A is the tackle from the throat halliard. With the fetching part by the mast foot on the port side.
For the memory, the drawing from the peak halliard:
View attachment 357630
Then I can now pull the lines of the topsail through the relevant blocks and secure it.
Regards, Peter