Based on reviewing the stern pics above, I had to dop some touching up, which I began. You don't see that from table top level, so I got a lower chair and began cleaning things up.
Using the blueprints, I measured from the various windows to try and layout where the channels would be. I used the pins on the back of the channel to mark the hull and then after drilling out the hole, the channels fit pretty good.
All 5 went fairly smoothly and from my view seemed to follow the plans.
After doing this, I did some research to see which gunport lids I needed to do before installing the channels, so I wouldn't run into a fight later.
I wish the instructions included a specific diagram of which gunports get lids, there is a picture of the side hull to help in laying out the wales that I used.
There is also no reference in the instructions as to which lids go to which gunports. However, the parts list does:
323 - lower gun ports
324 - middle & upper gun ports
325 - quarterdeck gun ports (the 4 near the stern....with one double door port in between them)
326 - quarterdeck half door gun ports
327 - beakhead gun ports
I wish they had included this in instructions, really not sure what that isn't the fact.
The same can be said about which hinges go where...very little reference in the instructions, but the parts list does
(I wish I'd look at this earlier before working on the lids!)
484 - lower gun port hinges
485 - middle & upper gun port hinges
486 - middle gun port double door hinges
487 - quarterdeck hinges
488 - quarterdeck double door hinges
489 - lower stern double door hinges
490 - beakhead gun port hinges
491 - lower gun SCUTTLE hinges
492 - beakhead door hinges
Well, there it is!
After looking at various pictures and then marking the plans, I set aside the gun ports that will need lids before installing the channels. I believe there are 7 full size gun ports, 3 smaller gun ports, 2 that need lids and 1 a double door (I think this was done so that the shrouds wouldn't interfere with the lid).
I cut out the lids and then laid out the additional wale that would be needed for each on. Once done, I sanded them clean and began installing the hinges. Having not laid out which hinges were what, I used the instructions and counted rivets to guess which ones were correct, I am not sure I picked right, but 484 & 485 look the same.
I created a simple jig with a piece of wood 1mm out so that I could stick the lid under it to create the 1mm spacing needed for proper placement of the lid into the gun port recess. Once done, I bent the hinge around the wales. Once done, I needed to add the hole in the lid to accept the eyelet.
I don't have enough small drill bits and they are just not sturdy enough to drill though the hinge and wood (especially if they were glued!)
What I did was use the back end of a small bit that had broke to mark where the hole was, then use a little bigger bit to drill the hole for the eyelets. I would add the eyelet to the hinge, glue the back of that and attach to the lid. It took some finagling to get that to work (3 hands would be better)
For the lower eyelets, I wasn't sure how to tackle them. I didn't want to drill holes up from the bottom, they would show on the top. At first I cut the heads off of the eyelets, but then they come out kind of oval shaped. I then tried to make ringlets with some .55mm wire, they may be a bit too large, but they will do fine. I just glued them to the underside. Some came loose and I'll circle back around to make sure they are all in place.
Once done, I began laying coats of black on these lids, ALL of the rigols, ALL of the chainplate assemblies and ALL of the channel supports.
While waiting for all that to dry and add additional coats, I laid out the other side channels. My biggest concern was making sure that I put these ones in the same place and as close in height as the other side. Mainly so that when looking at the boat, the shrouds synced together and deadeyes matched.
I think and hope I did that!