HMS GRANADO - full hull - POF kit by CAF in 1:48 - by Uwe

May I ask what is CLOU ? it is apparently some type of finish or oil ?
like @Steef66 (many thanks btw) already answered
it is the CLOU sanding primer - the german term is CLOU Schnellschleifgrundierung
@Jeronimo was (I think) the first one who mentioned it here in the forum and in the meantime several others are using it on a regular basis.
The wood is slightly darkening after the treatment with Clou, a little bit dull surface, you can glue parts afterwards, also painting with Ecoline is no problem.
Since I got the tipp with Clou I am not oiling any more
Hallo John alias @oldflyer

These square bolts are made simply with shoe tacks, which have a square shank

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in this topic you can find some description here:

first time I used them in my cross section model of the HMS Granado

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Thanks so much - I've saved your thread to my Viking folder - super clever method.

PS: just ordered a bag full from Amazon - OH really!!! what DON'T they have over there ????

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Many Thanks for all the comments and the Likes received

The inner planking is "somehow" prepared with all the planks I want to have
- the final height of the rail can be defined only when also the outer planking is finalized



also the ports and gunports are cut and sanded, all the treenailing done




Many Thanks for your kind interest in my project .... to be continued .....
Many Thanks for all the comments and the Likes received

The inner planking is "somehow" prepared with all the planks I want to have
- the final height of the rail can be defined only when also the outer planking is finalized

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also the ports and gunports are cut and sanded, all the treenailing done

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Many Thanks for your kind interest in my project .... to be continued .....
Good morning Uwek. Brilliant. Cheers Grant
Hello Uwe,

do we see us during the exhibition in Amsterdam? It will be nice to see the progress by your model in reality.
Hallo my friend,
I am thinking about visiting also the exhibition in Amsterdam - it is only a long way from Vienna - but I will be in Dieburg definitely
Many Thanks to @Dean62 , @RDN1954 , @GrantTyler , @AnobiumPunctatum , @Ptèr and @Nomad for the kind words related to the lastest post and the likes received

In the meantime I finished the outer planking of my upper part of my HMS Granado

Here you can see some overviews and details from bow to stern


the wales are treenailed with copper bolts, the planking above with wooden nails







and also on the other side I made the upper and lower row of the wales - this will be the only planking on this side of the upper half of the model

