After a week's holiday, building started again.
The next step is to install the jib. I had already placed the MS/Lankford drawing when installing the jumbo jib. With the comment that I had replaced a single sheave block with a double sheave. This choice is also confirmed by L.B. Jenson in the Sage. The 2 drawings next to each other for the jib:

The halliard is also double here, due to 2 blocks at the top of the lower mast.
The sheet is double to pull the sail over the stay to starboard or to port. Depending on which side of the wind she sails. Jenson draws it with pieces of chain, I don't agree with that. Here again MS/Lankford, with lines.
But I also have to take the balloon jib into account. Because the two bottom corners meet at the end of the bowsprit. And they are both stowed on the bowsprit:

On the left picture the balloon jib is stowed on the starboard side and they are busy with the jib. With the application or removal using the hank's.
Everything is stored in the right picture. But both sails must be secured separately from each other. You can also see the stored jumbo on the right picture.
The Theory:
I've been thinking about this for a while and came up with the following solution:

All 5 jib stops on both sides of the bowsprit will be doubled.
As an example, the piece of round wood on the starboard side, with the drawing below left as clarification:
A: the mast.
B: the sail (the piece of spar).
C: the blue line that goes up along the sail from the starboard side.
D: the red line that is drawn from the port side just over the mast to starboard, wrapped around the standing blue starboard line, and then drawn back to port. Then that red port line goes around and over the sail back and forth to starboard. And is then tied together with the blue starboard line. Where the pull is directed downwards to pull the sail against the bowsprit.
For the 2nd sail (a copy of the head of the spar) everything is repeated in mirror image.
Blue arrows: the ascending line.
The red arrows: the line that goes around the blue line and the sail.
The Premise:
The jib set with a number of temporary lines:

The jib sail is set to port with 22 hank’s on the stay. The arrow points to the starboard pendant of the sheet running over the stay to starboard. In case the sail needs to be set to the other side.
After applying the outside lines and drawing the stitching seams, the sails have acquired a bulge. That was desired and also came true. Just hard to show in the photo. But that will be fine with the studio photos to be taken later.
The tack of the sail is attached to a hook on the bowsprit:

With a 2,5mm/.09" block for the downhaul. I'm still happy with my scratch hank's. On the bowsprit the 2x5 double jib stops. And white backrope and guys / bow stays still need to be updated with white and re-tightened. But with the recovery of the jib and balloon jib I will probably get into trouble again. So that's at the end. And of course still dusting.
The halliard:

A: the block to the sail.
B: the two blocks on the eye irons at the top of the lower mast.
C: both running parts still have to go through the 2 eyes on the front spreader bar.
All the previously placed blocks are now occupied.
The jib with the starboard pendant of the sheet running over the stay:

Temporarily put with a line, but that will be a complete sheet. The bulge is now slightly more visible.
Like the jib is on the port side with the port sheet.

Also with a single temporary thread.
And one more picture from behind:

With the last view of this jib sail fully set.
Now it's time for the Practice. But that will take some time.
Regards, Peter